The future of construction demands fewer trades onsite. We're already there. Digital Component Construction requires far fewer trades onsite, which meets new distancing guidelines, and creates fast, efficient and clean builds.
Digital Component Construction combines proven construction methods with next-gen technology to build beautiful, high-performing + cost effective environments.
To learn more, please visit us at: FALKBUILT
The future of construction demands fewer trades onsite for physical/social distancing + cleanable surfaces to help flatten the curve.
We’re hardworking, customer-focused and ridiculously passionate about Digital Component Construction. If you added up all our experience in manufacturing and construction, we’d have a few centuries’ worth. And we have other talents. One of us is an accomplished equestrian, one of us wrote a children’s book about poo and another was named one of Fast Company’s Most Creative People of 2017.
100 - 1111 Melville St., Vancouver, BC V6E 3V6
Tel: (604) 696-2220
Monday - Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm